Школа НО
Давайте познакомимся
  • Януш Корчак
    Я хочу, чтоб поняли и полюбили чудесное, полное жизни и ошеломляющих неожиданностей творческое "не знаю" современной науки о ребенке.
  • Франсуаза Дольто
    Уважать ребенка – это значит предложить ему модель поведения и предоставить возможность не подражать ей.
  • Жан-Жак Руссо
    Скучные уроки годны лишь на то, чтобы внушить ненависть и к тем, кто их преподает, и ко всему преподаваемому.
  • Аристотель
    Ученикам, чтобы преуспеть, надо догонять тех, кто впереди, и не ждать тех, кто позади.
  • Жан-Жак Руссо
    Пусть ученик не заучивает науку, а выдумывает ее сам.
  • Франсуаза Дольто
    Ребенок – наш посредник в отношениях с реальностью.
  • Антон Павлович Чехов
    Дети святы и чисты. Даже у разбойников и крокодилов они состоят в ангельском чине. Сами мы можем лезть в какую угодно яму, но их должны окутывать в атмосферу приличную их чину.
  • Лао Цзы
    Если я ничего не навязываю людям, они становятся собой.
  • Януш Корчак
    Я хочу, чтоб поняли и полюбили чудесное, полное жизни и ошеломляющих неожиданностей творческое "не знаю" современной науки о ребенке.
  • Франсуаза Дольто
    Уважать ребенка – это значит предложить ему модель поведения и предоставить возможность не подражать ей.
  • Aristotle
    Students, in order to succeed, need to catch up with those who are ahead, and do not wait for those who are falling behind.
  • A. Einstein
    Imagination is more important than knowledge.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    Boring lessons are only suitable for instilling hatred both to those who give them and to what is taught.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    We should not teach children the sciences; but give them a taste for them.
  • Laozi
    If I don't impose anything on people, they become what they are.
  • Françoise Dolto
    A child is our mediator in dealing with reality.
  • Françoise Dolto
    To respect a child is to offer them a model of behavior and to give them the opportunity not to follow it.
  • Janusz Korczak
    I should like to teach others how to understand and love that wonderful
    effervescent creative "I don't know" as regards contemporary knowledge of the child , replete with dazzling surprises.

First of all, we want to pay your attention to one of the articles about Apelsin. Perhaps, what you are looking for can be found here.

And here are some more answers.

We are, of course, a school!
"Kindergarten" is traditionally associated not with life, but with preparation for some future "adult life".
«For now, you are still very young, but later on…», «When you get to school, you will learn…», and so on…
It seems to us that such attitude, mildly speaking, is not quite right. A person should live a full life at any age. And at the age of 4, our own status is certainly important to us. The school provides this status. In a certain way, school is another level of rights (as well as responsibilities that we can assume). In our approach, these words are not only sound and smoke. They are about the right to make your own decisions, your own judgments, about the right to own yourself.
School is a space of creativity, exploration of the world and oneself. Isn't the age of three suitable for this? That's why we don't divide people into schoolchildren, preschoolers, big and small, just as we don't divide life into lessons and breaks.
We want to remind that the word school comes from Greek σχολή - leisure, a place for conversation. So it also suits us in its main meaning.
Truly: a place for conversation!

Also, we just like that word - "School". And what about you?)

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